Today is the last day of Alzheimer's Awareness Month, but as many families sadly know, the awareness needs to continue to find a cure.
Alzheimer's is a devastating disease that slowly robs people of their independence and eventually their lives. It knows no bounds. Anyone with a brain is at risk for Alzheimer's disease, so everyone with a brain should join the fight against it.
It is prediction that 15,000,000 people in the United States alone will have Alzheimer’s Disease by the year 2050. Dr. Mary Newport and her husband Steve are two of those brave souls who are fighting it. Steve had an MRI in May 2008 showing a diffuse involutional change of the frontal and parietal lobes and moderate left-sided and severe right-sided amygdala and hippocampal atrophy with no ischemic change, which would support a clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease. For non-medical people, this means that he has shrunken areas of the brain.
Many days, often for several days in a row, Steve was in a fog – he couldn’t find a spoon or remember how to get water out of the refrigerator. Some days were not so bad, and Mary said he almost seemed like his former self, happy, with his unique sense of humor, creative, and full of ideas.
One day Mary would ask if a certain call came that she was expecting and he would say, “No.” Two days later he would remember the message from so-and-so from a couple of days earlier and what they said. Strange to have no short-term memory and yet the information was filed somewhere in his brain. Mary's gut feeling was that diet had something to do with the fluctuation, but what. She knew that he was locked up in there somewhere, if only there was a key to open up the areas of his brain that he didn’t have access to.
Mary found that key in coconut oil and started giving it to Steve everyday. Watch this video in her own words about the key role that coconut oil has served in improving many of his symptoms...
To learn more about how to fight this devastating disease and to buy Dr. Mary Newport's book, Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was a Cure?, go to or
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