Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Health panel calls out overuse of prescription drugs and ineffectiveness – need for alternative approaches as medicine

Did you know that deaths caused from side effects of opioid prescriptions have gone from 76 million in 1991 to 219 million in 2011? Chronic pain affects 100+ million people a year, and it cost between $5-8 million to treat with drugs, costing $635 billion annually. It gets worse. A new panel revealed this week that there is little evidence that these treatment plans work, so it’s called for major changes in the medical community.

According to the report released by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), it's time that treatment of chronic pain moves from a 1-pill-fits-all mindset to an evidence-based, individualized, multidisciplinary model that recognizes the value of non-pharmacological approaches. Much of the report is focused on the use—and possible overuse—of opioids as the "go-to" approach in almost all cases of chronic pain. In addition to contributing to patterns of drug abuse, the reliance on opioids may simply not be helping in all circumstances, according to the panel report.

Chances are you or someone you love has suffered from what is defined as chronic pain – pain lasting more than three months, which is past the typical expectation for healing. Major causes of chronic pain are low back pain,  arthritis, headaches, multiple sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, shingles, and nerve damage. If you’re not feeling better from drugs or just don’t feel good a lot of the time, than you have nothing to lose than by attacking your pain differently with something in your control - your lifestyle.

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