Monday, February 24, 2014

The most important health discovery regarding inflammation is coming back...

The book that introduced readers to the landmark discovery that living in contact with the Earth’s natural surface charge – being “grounded” naturally discharges and prevents chronic inflammation in the body, is coming out again with new research and doctors' commentaries.

The 2010 edition of Earthing created a major buzz in the health world and has been translated into more than a dozen languages. This effect has massive health implications because of the well-established link between chronic inflammation and all chronic diseases, including the diseases of aging and the aging process itself.

Throughout history, humans have maintained an electrical ground connection with the Earth that naturally curbed inflammation disorders in the body. We walked barefoot and slept directly on the Earth. We were, at all times, naturally charged with the healing energy of the Earth.

Today, however, we mostly live and work insulated from the Earth. We wear non-conductive shoes with synthetic soles, walk on carpeted floors, and sleep in elevated beds. We rarely go barefoot outside. We’re disconnected.

Consequently, our bodies become chronically charged with inflammation. Earthing is the simple solution to reduce and prevent inflammation, and is as easy as being barefoot outdoors or sleeping, working, and relaxing indoors on conductive products that conveniently ground your body to the Earth.

This book documents how
grounding the body consistently produces these and other benefits:

• Rapid reduction of inflammation
• Rapid reduction or elimination of chronic pain
• Dynamic blood flow improvement
• Reduced stress
• Increased energy
• Improved sleep
• Accelerated healing from injuries and surgery without the burning inflammatory pain

Earthing is a missing link in the health equation. This book tells why and what to do about it and much more fascinating information that could transform your life and health. The second edition of Earthing comes out in mid-March, so reserve your copies to this groundbreaking book now.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. Perhaps that is why we like to squish bare feet in the sand or walk barefoot in the grass-- subconsciously it helps us feel better!
